Elsevier Publishing Workshop
At EuroSun 2022, ISES is pleased to once again offer a special workshop on academic publishing with the publisher of the ISES journals - Solar Energy and Solar Energy Advances, Elsevier.
This workshop is structured to support researchers in their publication endeavours. It is intended for all researchers (PhD students, as well as Post-Doctoral and academic researchers). Special emphasis will be on writing scientific articles and how to approach the review and publication process. The workshop will cover the process of selecting a journal, the review process, tips for revising papers and other important topics authors should know before preparing a journal paper. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A with the publisher and editors of ISES journals
The workshop will be hosted by Elsevier and will welcome Dana Niculescu, Senior Publisher of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Journals, including the ISES journals, Solar Energy and Solar Energy Advances.