“Everything you always wanted to know about Solar, but were afraid to ask”
Solar Speed Dating at EuroSun 2022
The EuroSun 2022 organizers are pleased to offer this special session for students, PhD-students, and emerging professionals in the field of solar energy. During this “Solar Speed Dating” Event, leading international experts will discuss different developments in technology and business with young scientists/professionals in small groups. There will be no prepared program, you can discuss any topic and ask any questions you ever wanted to direct to an international expert. After 20 - 30 minutes you will move to another table to discuss another subject with another expert and group. The target group is (PhD) students, young professionals, and emerging professionals.
By attending this event, students and young professionals benefit from exclusive and direct exchange with global experts in their field and excellent networking opportunities.
We are excited to be holding this event for the third time, after the first successful events at the ISES Solar World Congress 2019 in Santiago, Chile, and the fully virtual ISES Solar World Congress 2021.
Student registration for the Speed Dating Session is now closed.
Experts, please reach out to eurosun [at] ises.org to sign up.